Lactation Support & Counseling
Lactation Support & Counseling
Did you know that composition of Mother’s milk changes between daytime and night time. Fat content in mother’s milk is higher during the night compared to that during the day. And this fat is very important for baby’s brain development in those important initial days. So it is important mothers learn the finer aspects surrounding breastfeeding, and not just the simple act of feeding.
- What is the difference between Foremilk and Hindmilk?
- What are the respective roles of Foremilk and Hindmilk?
- How do we know baby is satisfied / not satisfied with the feeding?
- Why does my breast feel heavy even after baby feeds?
- My baby cries even after feeding. What is the reason?
- How do I know I have enough milk? What to do when my family thinks otherwise and forces formula?
A host of such questions plague the new mother (and to-be-mothers) to no end. How to get factual, reliable and evidence-based answers to these questions?
We offer individualized Lactation Support sessions for new mothers to help them get a good start on their breastfeeding journey. Too many new mothers start with the best of intentions to breastfeed their babies, but find the process too painful, unfamiliar, difficult and lonely. This results in them giving up too soon, amidst a cranky baby, overbearing relatives and unending pressure to start formula food. The outcome of this is that new mothers unintentionally deprive the baby of the best nutrition it can possibly have during those initial days of its life.
Most hospitals perform poorly in preparing new mothers for breastfeeding and newborn baby care. Our breastfeeding support sessions help mothers learn the correct techniques for breastfeeding their babies, supported by knowledge of the “science” behind those techniques.
We have even successfully helped new mothers breastfeed infants who were born prematurely, even at 32 weeks. The techniques involve scientifically proven methods that help latching, and helping associate breastfeeding with a positive experience for babies.
Starting breastfeeding is an exercise which requires patience on the part of the mother, and her breastfeeding support providers. We never give up on your baby because it is the most natural thing for babies to do after they are born. Mother’s nipples are coated with substances which babies are very familiar with, while in the womb. This causes a natural reflex technique for babies to seek out mother’s breast to suckle, once they are born. A patient approach which is relaxed and one which allows the baby to try different methods to seek and latch on to mother’s breast will be most successful.
Many mothers are also forced to give formula immediately after their babies’ birth, partly due to carelessness of their hospital care providers, or due to pressure from their relatives. Hospital staff who tell mothers “you have no milk” are either plain ignorant or are misleading mothers. Mother’s breasts ALWAYS have milk after their babies are born – that is a irrefutable fact of nature. It requires dedicated and patient approach on part of care providers to teach mothers how to help their newborn latch on to their breasts and to breastfeed.
At the Sanctum, Natural Birth Center, we have a 100% Lactation support success rate. We have successfully helped mothers of twins breastfeed their babies. We have also helped pre-term babies, born as early as 32 weeks to breastfeed successfully, thereby starting them off with good immune systems in mothers milk. Many mothers who gave birth at other hospitals and who seek our help had been misled into giving formula to their babies immediately after they were born. Babies’ digestive systems are not built to handle formula milk, and not only lead to poor digestion but also lead to various stomach ailments and increase chances of allergic reactions in the newborn. We have helped many such mothers go back to breastfeeding their babies successfully.
Please visit the Healthy Mother Breastfeeding Support Network, an online and offline support group for expectant mothers and new mothers for answers on all breastfeeding and related questions.
Please fill out the form on the right or call us at 72071 68666 for an appointment and learn how we can help you with breastfeeding your baby. Our Lactation Support programs are ongoing and we would be happy to talk to you. We have helped numerous mothers who gave birth at other hospitals, but were not counseled on breastfeeding techniques or supported during their initial periods of trying to nurse their babies.
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I consulted them for lactation counseling and it was an awesome experience. Dr. Vijaya Krishnan helped me immensely. She motivated me, let me share my post partum depression. My little one wasn’t latching properly and I was adamant to breast feed. She also taught me the pros and cons about Pumping. The way she handled my baby and calmed her down was very nice.
“18 months of breastfeeding came to an end today . I still remember the first moment my lil one was placed on my breast, just minutes after her birth . The midwives and doctors at The Sanctum helped her latch swiftly while I was being cleaned, and treated for the minor tears post delivery. My baby latched perfectly and instantly, and there was no looking back from then. She fed like a pro, waking up every 2 hours. The first 4 weeks were intense, but the journey continued and when i was in doubt about my supply, I was always reassured by The Sanctum, and my wonderful paediatrian – that the supply will be the same as long as my daughter is feeding.” 💜🤱💜
“We hit the 6 month mark smoothly, and until then my daughter was exclusively breastfed. Solids followed – she ate well some times and sometimes nothing – but everytime she didn’t eat solids, I wasn’t worried, cuz she had enough nutrition from my milk!! I thought I’ll stop after 1 year, but I simply couldn’t take away her joy, our bond our special time.” 💜🤱💜
” Breastfeeding was the best soothing aid during all her milestones. It was hard for me to wean, it was in fact heart breaking because i know that i will longer be able to feel the warmth of her tongue over my breast. I will no longer be able to see the blissful expression on her face as she about to drift off to sleep after a dream feed. I miss all our giggles, our secrets, our stories, during our breastfeeding sessions.” 💜🤱💜
I thank Sanctum, Dr. Vijaya not only for helping me throughout this journey, but giving me lactation advice, emotional support from the beginning to date, encouraging me to breastfeed, and also supporting my decision to wean without judging or criticizing me.

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