A Fit Mom is a Well Mom
Lamaze Childbirth Classes
We are pioneers in introducing Lamaze Childbirth Classes in India. Thousands of couples have attended our Lamaze classes and become empowered with knowledge, confidence and means to prepare for Natural Birth
Prenatal Aerobics & Fitness
Specially designed set of Aerobics exercises to give you stamina and strength to handle labor and childbirth. Stamina is needed to help you go through the long process of labor without getting tired. You need strength in the final stages of pushing your baby out.
Prenatal Yoga
The ideal combination of relaxation of Body and Mind resulting in a relaxed feeling for you, and through you, for your baby growing in you. We teach basic of Pranayam – Mindful breathing that regulates oxygen supply and thereby purifies blood naturally.
Postnatal Wellness
Gentle, Targeted, set of Postnatal Strengthening exercises that consider each mother’s individual situation, that include Diet, Meditation, Workout Routines, Wellness Advice, and Relaxation Massages
Women’s Physiotherapy
Our Women’s Physiotherapy program helps new moms with their weakened muscles including Divarication. Aches and Pains of childbirth are cured by focused Physiotherapy sessions
Parenting Skills Workshops
Arrival of baby throws up lots of uncertainty and questions. We help new parents navigate these questions, including physical issues with baby and family issues surrounding parenthood
Online Classes
Our nationally known Lamaze classes are available to mothers across India through online sessions. Counseling on Diet, VBAC, Preconception etc are also conducted online