Prenatal Yoga – Immerse in Mindful Wellness
Prenatal Yoga from WellMom is another service in our commitment to holistic, scientific and empathetic care during pregnancy, childbirth and new motherhood. Our Prenatal Yoga program helps expecting mothers gain the physical, emotional and mental strength for the mind and body to become conscious of the needs of your baby. Our Yoga program not just teaches you asanas, but also helps you attain a higher level of spiritual calmness and upliftment of your mind. You will be taught Asanas that help in loosening your body, relaxed breathing and strengthening your pelvic floor muscles among other techniques.
Some important facets of our program are:
Breathing in Prenatal Yoga
The ancient science of Pranayama breathing is very effective in channelizing good energy through your body and mind. We teach you focused breathing techniques accompanied by chanting, the sounds of which cause positive reverberations in your body. These age old techniques are highly scientific and come very handy during the tough stages of Labor and Pushing.
Focused breathing techniques in the WellMom Yoga program help you reduce or manage shortness of breath during pregnancy, and will help you work through contractions during labor. In addition, the breathing techniques will help you relax, reduce stress and anxiety not only during the pregnancy period but also when you are in labor.
Gentle Stretching Postures in Prenatal Yoga
The various Asanas for stretching and loosening help in “massaging” your internal organs, and to create and maintain balance in your circulatory, digestive and hormonal systems. These Asanas help in toning and strengthening your Pelvic Floor muscles, which are the most important organs involved in labor and birth. In addition, they help in reducing discomforts such as back aches, swelling etc.
Relaxation in Prenatal Yoga
At the end of each class we teach you Asanas which will help relax your muscles and restore your resting heart rate and rhythm. You will be taught how to focus on your own breathing rhythm and connect with your body, mind and baby, enjoying the vitality of breath as a life-force.
Healthy Mother Prenatal Yoga programs are 100% online, so you can practice your daily yoga asanas from the comfort of your home. However, it pays to create and maintain a routine and follow it judiciously. This creates focus in your mind and a sense of purpose. Ultimately the purpose of doing yoga during pregnancy (and for that matter in your daily life) is to center your Mind and Body towards attaining inner calmness and mindfulness. In pregnancy this helps a great deal in dealing with anxiety, stress, and the associated physical reactions. The classes are held 2-days a week. We suggest you prepare for yourself, a set routine for other days. Ask your husbnd / partner also to join you. If you have an older child, also make him/her part of your own personal class. There is nothing more fun like a “family yoga” session, especially during these times of the pandemic and frequent “lockdowns”.
Since our Prenatal Yoga sessions are 100% online, you can join in from any part of the world. For mothers living in times zones other than Indian Subcontinent, e.g., USA, Canada, Europe, Singapore, Japan (we have people joining in from Japan!!), we have special live sessions tailored to your time zones. Enquire with our office by filling out the form on the right.
Your pregnancy is as good a time to start on focusing on Wellness for yourself, as from now on, there will be additional demands on your physical and emotional strengths. Yoga has been scientifically proven to help you deal with these demands.
So what are you waiting for? Take the first step to take control of your physical and emotional strength. Write to us!