VBAC: Normal Delivery After Previous Cesarean

Many women struggle with the following questions and frustrations:

Can I have a normal delivery after a C-Section?

What are the risks of Scar Rupture?

Is VBAC safe? What are the risks of VBAC?

Am I eligible for VBAC?

And the list goes on. The real truth is that overwhelming majority of women CAN HAVE A NORMAL DELIVERY after a C-Section. Our track record of conducting highest successful VBACs in India is testimony to the fact that with skilled care along with empathetic care providers 95% of women who had previous C-Section can have a VBAC.

A significant number of would be moms choose us because we help mothers have a normal delivery after a previous cesarean or a VBAC. Since 2009 we have been helping 100s of moms wanting a VBAC.

All public health institutions in the world, and also organizations like American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) have themselves recommended that low risk mothers should be allowed the freedom to try for normal delivery, even though they may have had one or even two previous cesareans. Our team of labor support staff and midwives monitor mother and baby while offering 24-hour support and encouragement to mothers.

Mothers who want to try for a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After a Cesarean) birth are welcomed and in some rare cases we have even helped mothers have a perfect normal birth after 2 previous cesareans.

VBAC Success Rates

We have the highest VBAC success rates anywhere across the country.  On a case-by-case basis, after adequate counseling and review we may also accept so-called “high risk” mothers – those who may have Pregnancy Induced Hypertension, Gestational Diabetes, or Thyroid issues etc, and help them try for normal delivery, something that other hospitals routinely reject for even trying for labor to start. We manage these conditions closely during labor, by being there with the mother as she labors and closely monitoring her and her baby’s condition. The fact that all the emergency infrastructure is available in house, which allows the mother to have the “best of both worlds” and assures her that she can try for normal delivery, knowing that the fallback is always there. Our VBAC success rates are 94% which is the highest across all urban hospitals in India and include so-called “high risk” mothers who would normally be turned away by conventional Birth Centers or regular hospitals.

For more information about benefit of VBAC and for answers to questions like “Can I have a VBAC”, please download our e-book: 10 Tips for having a successful VBAC.

For a VBAC appointment with Dr. Vijaya please fill out the adjacent form. We will get back to you in 24 hours.

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