A Midwife has the Hands of Lady, Eyes of a Hawk and Heart of a Lioness
What is the Midwifery Model of Care @ The Sanctum?
“I had a fantastic birth experience at The Sanctum. Since my son’s birth, my friends and family often express admiration that I opted out of using pain medication in labor. Each time, I explain to them that at a place like The Sanctum which specializes in natural birth, it is almost easy to go without pain medication. Each and every member of the team was providing me with comfort measures, support, encouragement, and reassurance. I trusted that my midwife Vijaya fully understood my labor preferences and would follow them as much as possible. I trusted that any intervention would only be done if my husband or I gave informed consent. In such a setting, it really was easy!”

A Midwife is the embodiment of TRUST, COMPASSION AND RESPECT for the Mother

The Midwifery Model of Care at The Sanctum is one which puts the mother at the center of the care universe, and NOT doctor or hospital protocols. Consequently the mother has full freedom to do whatever she is comfortable to do during labor. Her midwives respect the laboring mother if she wants to give birth standing, or squatting, in the tub, or on the bed – never dictating to do things “this way or that”. The mother is free to vocalize her energy during during labor. Our Midwives and Doulas are present every minute of the mother’s labor, massaging her, making her feel comfortable, encouraging her husband to support her, and providing both physical as well as emotional support and confidence that she can do it.
This is diametrically opposite what the laboring mother would face in a conventional hospital, where she is left alone, no one to encourage her, no one to provide assurance, to answer her million questions, and be a source of support. Our mothers become highly confident in their ability to birth their babies naturally, without interventions, Epidural, Pitocin etc. The assurance that her midwife will be there to support her always also allows mothers not to opt for pain medications and gives them the ability and confidence to bear the labor pain, with their husbands actively providing help to manage her pain by massaging her back, speaking words of encouragement and support.
Naturally, our birth outcomes are very much better than conventional hospitals. Even post birth our model of care ensure Continuity of Care, with our midwives hand holding new mothers in breastfeeding her baby, teaching her ways to recover from the physical and emotional stress of childbirth with gentle exercises, tips on baby care and new motherhood.
Our midwives support new mothers after the birth, and will make sure you are able to breastfeed your baby and are able to care for her during the initial days. Because it is drastic and often overwhelming change for first-time mothers, midwives are your pillar of support, teaching you breastfeeding, guiding you through gentle exercises, tips on how to ward away postpartum depression, or even act as counselors to you and your husband on how be partners in this new journey. Further, our midwives will help you through decision making on family planning, normal gynecological issues, etc. The same midwife is your friend, care provider and counselor through your entire pregnancy, new motherhood and beyond. At The Sanctum, the deep bonds of relationship with each of our mothers has still endured through many years, some as long as 10 years.
There are only 5 Freestanding Natural Birth Centers in the world which have 24 hr emergency care infrastructure located inhouse. In India we are the only one. Our Collaborative Care Model is a wonderful combination of the natural birth focused Midwifery Model and the emergency care focused medical model in case of need, giving mothers the best of all worlds.
The Sanctum Collaborative Model of Care has been instrumental in helping women with complex needs such as Pregnancy Induced Hypertension, Gestational Diabetes etc, try successfully for natural birth. Learn more about The Sanctum Collaborative Model of Care here.