How to Improve Oligohydramnios or Low Amniotic Fluid?

Research tells us the following:
  1. In the 14 days before the start of spontaneous labor, the baby’s urine output starts to decrease.
  2. As the baby gets closer to term, the baby swallows more amniotic fluid, thus leading to a decline in fluid levels.
  3. If the baby is post-term (after 42 weeks), he or she begins to swallow significantly more fluid, contributing to a decline in amniotic fluid.
Research also  tells us that :
  1. If there are conditions which can cause true placental deterioration like gestational hypertension, or there is severe growth restriction in the fetus, or congenital anomalies, induction or cesarean may prove beneficial for optimal outcomes. Generally less than 2 cms (by single deepest vertical pocket method) is considered oligohydramnios.
  2. In the absence of these, there is no evidence base for routine inductions or Cesarean section for isolated oligohydramnios – which means, if mom and baby are otherwise healthy, simply inducing or getting a c section done for low fluid, should not be the first recommendation!
  3. The care should be individualized to that mother’s specific health status and needs

What can you do to improve Amniotic Fluid level?


  1. Research tells us that excellent maternal hydration, can improve fluid volumes – minimum 3 L water intake. Plus foods/fluids with water – Watermelon, Cucumber,  Lauki, (Squash/Gourd family of veggies), Buttermilk, lemon/lime water with pink salt to improve electrolytes.
  2. Good protein intake to help good placental function. Ideally mothers should be counseled early in pregnancy about excellent protein rich foods, to help good placental growth. Not just told to take protein powders, which have just many sugars/carbs!
  3. Lying on the left side, improves placental perfusion and hence fluid levels. Not that we recommend only lying on the left – but it may be worthwhile to lie on the left for periods of time, if fluid levels are found to be low.

Have more questions about your pregnancy or post pregnancy issues like Lactation problems? We can provide you with holistic, effective counseling for most of your questions or problems. For outstation moms, we offer SKYPE consultations. Fill out the form on the right and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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