These are extraordinary times…. in order ensure safety for our staff, our mothers and babies we have instituted a set of protocols for all and any visitor to our Birth Center. These protocols will be followegd strictly, without any exception. We urge mothers, partners, families and other visitors to be aware of it and help us provide the excellent level of care we have always been known for.

Following are Protocols of Visit to the Sanctum Birth Center:

  • Mothers who are visiting for the first time either for Initial Appointment or for any other service MUST fill out a self-declaration form. Mother and Partner must indicate if they have been outside Hyderabad anytime during the preceding 14 days.
  • Mothers and Partners must declare if they have had contact with anyone who has travelled outside Hyderabad during the preceding 14 days.
  • Mothers and Partners must declare if they have had contact with or cared for anyone who was affected by COVID-19 during the preceding 14 days, no matter they may have recovered or may had been in “home quarantine”
  • Mothers and Partners must declare if any one has experienced Cold or Flu-like symptoms, including Fever, Cough, Sore Throat, or experienced Respiratory Problems or Difficulty in Breathing during the past 14 days.
  • For all Antenatal visits, ONLY mother and her partner will be allowed. No mother, father, sister, in-law, friend, etc. In case partner is not with the mother, and she is accompanied by someone else, the latter will sit in the seating area OUTSIDE the Birth Center.
  • DURING labor, ONLY mother and her partner will be allowed. NO VISITORS. Partner will not be allowed to “switch” places with mother, mother-in-law, sister etc, for whatever reason, either during labor or after baby is born. This is to ensure we eliminate any risk of unknown carriers of the virus affecting the baby. Any clothes for baby, food from home, etc can be brought and handed to Partner outside the entrance door to the Birth Center.

We understand these protocols may look and sound extraordinarily strict. However, the risk to the health of mothers and babies are non-trivial. We therefore urge mothers, partners and families to follow these guidelines both in spirit and in action.

If you have any questions, please call our office at 72071 68666, Monday to Saturday, 10 am to 5:30 pm.