Certificate Course in Infant Massage
Certificate Course in Infant Massage
Infant Massage has been found to be beneficial to both babies as well as to moms. A calm, quiet one-on-one time with your baby just before sleep time after his meal can result in better sleep patterns for him, which experts attribute towards better brain development. For moms too it provides a time of quiet bonding with your baby or infant, with release of Oxytocin or the Love Hormone. Research shows that parents who regularly indulge in this activity are less stressed during the often tough time of raising a newborn or infant. Even dads should take the time to be with their babies and gently massage while talking to them. Research confirms the importance of nurturing touch, and a secure, loving environment in the healthy growth and development of babies and infants. Early brain developed is given a big boost due to the benefits of nurturing touch in massage.
Who Should Attend?
- Early Childhood Health Nurses
- Occupational Therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Midwives
- Anyone interested in the care of babies and infants and their families
The Certificate Course in Infant Massage batch sizes are small, interactive and hands on. Therefore, registrations get filled up as soon as the dates of the course are announced. It is in the interest of aspiring trainers to register quickly to avoid disappointment.
Combine Lamaze Trainer Workshop with Infant Massage Trainer Workshop
Healthy Mother is India’s preeminent training institution for aspiring Lamaze Childbirth Educators. Since the past 10 years we have trained nearly 90% of ALL Lamaze Teachers in India, from Kashmir to Kochi, Siliguri to Surat. Check out information about our Lamaze Childbirth Educator Workshop conducted by India’s topmost Master Trainer, Dr Vijaya Krishnan.
In case you plan to take BOTH the Lamaze Childbirth Educator Workshop and the Infant Massage Trainer Workshop, you will get a discount on the combined price.
Please call 72071 68666 or fill out the adjacent form for more information regarding Registration or queries.
Next ONLINE Workshop
July 7, 2021
For Details, Fill out the form