Dr. Vijaya Krishnan

A Natural Birth for mom with Gestational Diabetes

With awe, sharing this picture from a birth we just attended. 💕

GDM Mamma. Came to us for care at around 30 weeks, having gained enormous weight and sugars out of control. We worked hard to course correct, and with super-excellent adherence to diet and exercise, she brought both her sugars, and weight under control.

Working her way through #PrenatalYoga #LamazeClasses and #PrenatalAerobics, she became stronger and more confident, as she headed towards her due month.

Today – 39 weeks and 6 days:
Working hard in labor, with grace, patience and so much power, she rocked her birth, and have birth to her baby boy, just a couple hours ago 💜💜💜💜🥰

Amazing work, Mamma! Congratulations

What more can a Midwife want? The smiles say it all !